on 2023-10-16


Estimated Read Time: 11 minutes

While we search for the best and healthiest ways to improve our own lives, we often find the tools to improve the lives of others as well. CBD (cannabidiol) has helped to improve my own life, and through a little searching, found ways to improve my pets’ lives too!

Before we get into the many ways CBD can improve your cat’s quality of life, we must answer the question:

Is CBD Safe for Cats?

While there is more current research and information for how dogs and humans are affected by CBD and other cannabinoids, initial evidence shows that cats can benefit from CBD in many of the same ways!

Many pet owners are curious about hemp derived products for their pets and how they will react. But don't worry, your kittens won't be getting high on CBD oil. CBD has no psychoactive side effects, and pet cbd products should have extremely low THC percentages!

Of course it is always important to ensure the quality of the CBD, and that the THC content is no higher than 0.3%. With the right products, no matter how much cbd oil your pet has, the THC content will still not exceed 0.3%.

There are lots of products advertised as CBD that could be helpful for your cats, but to ensure quality control and dosage, finding something pet-specific like Candi’s CBD Pet Drops is the best way to safeguard your pets from incorrect dosages and unhealthy additives.

How Do I Give CBD To My Cat?

We all know that getting your cat to do anything it doesn’t want to, much less take medicine, can be tough. Luckily, CBD Pet Oil has a very understated flavor, and can be mixed easily into your cat's wet-food!

No chasing around the house or wrestling with a dropper, just straight into the food and let them do the rest!

How Much CBD Oil for Cats?

The first question all cat owners have is "How much cbd should I give my cat?" If you’re worried about dosage, start small with just a few drops and see how your cat responds. There are also CBD infused treats available to buy some places! Every pet is different, and the effect will vary depending on everything from weight to diet.

Now that we’ve established safe practices for cat parents, let’s look at some of the ways CBD can help your four-legged friend!

5 Ways CBD Hemp Oil Helps Cats

1. Encourages Comfort and Relieves Pain

Many of the benefits of CBD oil appreciated by people on two legs can help those on four. While cats live the good life, sleeping all day and being pampered by us, they still get aches and pains too. Especially older cats that are more prone to sickness and injury. CBD can be perfect for a pet that is recovering from an injury, or at that point in life where some things just hurt. Anti inflammatory qualities in CBD Oil could provide your pet the relief they need to make certain activities and movements viable again, easing joint tension and reducing discomfort.

It is best for pet owners to consult your vet if you are concerned something is wrong with your pet, and ask them if CBD oil can help!

2. Encourages Appetite

We are all familiar with the appetite-inducing effects of cannabinoids. Lauded for its abilities to relieve symptoms associated with appetite-loss, CBD could help your picky kitty settle their stomach. As many cat parents know, cats can be notoriously finicky eaters, and there could be many reasons your furred friend is showing a lack of interest in their food.

And don't worry about your cat not taking it, most CBD oil is flavorless, and easily mixed into most cats food!

If appetite is a consistent issue, consult a vet before giving your cat CBD; talk with them about incorporating CBD oil into your cat’s diet plan!

3. Relieves Anxiety and Stress

There are many things that can contribute to a cat being anxious or stressed. Cats are peculiar creatures, and quite distinct from individual to individual - each and every cat has different things that do, and don’t, cause them stress. For instance, I own two cats, one could not care less when the vacuum comes out and the apartment gets cleaned - the other behaves as if we’re at war, hiding under the bed until far later in the day.

Anxiety and stress are amongst the most common reasons pet owners seek out the help of CBD oil for the relief of their furry friends. Whether or not your kittens are scaredy cats, they can still benefit from the relief of CBD.

Some cases to consider CBD for stress relief for your cat are:

  • Visits to the Vet
  • Introducing a new pet/other cat to the home
  • Moving
  • Travel
  • Separation anxiety (especially for those kitties raised in COVID conditions!)

Oftentimes a pet is stressed or anxious for a reason we cannot see or understand, like an illness or injury. Whatever your cat is struggling with, CBD could help on both fronts. Providing relief at the source, and to stress!

4. Aging

As much as we’d love our little guys to stick around forever, their life-spans are much shorter than ours. Luckily, it means we can provide the best care and support possible for our elderly cats. As cats age, they lose mobility, appetite, energy, and a cat's immune system slows down.

The CBD in Hemp Oil and the other cannabinoids that work with it can provide relief for all of the above. Helping to regulate appetite, boost immune system, ease discomfort in muscles and joints.

With the right CBD Oil product, you can help your aging cats stay comfortably and purring long past their kitten days.

5. Overall Wellness

There is still much we are learning about hemp derived CBD oil and its benefits. Initial studies on dogs show promising results in reducing seizures and act as an anti inflammatory. In humans and dogs, CBD has also been shown to benefit the immune system!

If your a cat parent have been considering CBD for your cats, then consult with your veterinarian and always be sure that the CBD products you buy for your cats are high quality!

What is the best CBD Oil for my Cat?

There are thousands upon thousands of websites out there advertising CBD for you and your pets. To find the best and highest quality products is important for the health and happiness of your pets. Unfortunately, many of these thousands of sites lack oversight and quality control - pet owners have a lot of choosing to do, and it's made harder by many places obfuscating information like dosage and sourcing.

Buying CBD oil for your pet can be confusing. To save you time, we’ve got our pick right here:

The Best Pet CBD products for Cats: Yin Yang Infusions Organic CBD Oil for Pets

Yin Yang Infusions makes the best CBD oil for pets. Why? Because our formula is high quality, pure and simple.

  • Organically grown hemp plants: High-quality extracts can only come from organic hemp. No pesticides ever are used in the growing process to ensure our extracts are pure and natural.
  • Full Spectrum CBD and CBG Formula: Our organic CBD oil is a full spectrum extract with CBD + CBG and plant compounds for better results than CBD alone.
  • THC Free pet tinctures: THC is toxic to cats. Most hemp extracts contain small traces of THC; however, our pet CBD products do not. We take extra care and caution isolating CBD, CBG, and other beneficial plant compounds, leaving the THC out for maximum therapeutic benefit.
  • Third-party lab tested: We put our hemp extracts through extensive testing to ensure the purity and consistency of our formulas from the plant to the final product in your bottles.

Candi’s CBD+CBG Pet Drops 500+mg

Our Full Spectrum Pet CBD + CBG oil is suitable for small, medium, and large animals with moderate to severe issues. Our CBD oil tinctures are made with MCT oil to effectively deliver each dose of cannabinoids with healthy fats for better absorption. We do not add flavoring agents to keep our formulas all-natural. Give to your cat before or after a meal. You can simply mix the CBD oil into a treat or administer it directly into your pet's mouth.

Possible Side Effects for CBD in Cats

If you are interested in using CBD for cats, it is always smart to consult with your veterinarian first and ensure that CBD could be right for them! There is much we are still learning about CBD and how it interacts with our bodies and the bodies of our feline friends, and learning more is always encouraged.

In general though, serious side effects in cats from CBD are extremely uncommon. The most common side effects include simply:

  • Increased Appetite
  • Drowsiness/Excessive Sleepiness
  • Gastrointestinal Upset (Vomiting)
    • Cats have delicate stomachs! If CBD causes some intestinal upset do not worry, either lower the dose substantially or cut CBD from your cats diet until it settles.